Education is liberation, knowledge is power.

The International Primary Curriculum (IPC) is a thematic enquiry-based program which uses creative and globally relevant themes to inspire and promote engagement of learning goals at an academic, personal and international level.
IPC incorporates History, Geography, Art, Health & Wellbeing, Physical Education, Music, Design & Technology.
Influenced by progressive pedagogy, metacognition and primary education best practice, the IPC can be tailored to fit the children’s needs while developing their knowledge, skills and understanding. Through thematic units, teachers can create fun and engaging learning opportunities that enable learners to make connections between subjects and the world around them.
IPC helps engage parents with learning, and to understand the relevance of learning in the classroom and at home. Assessment is done by teachers and children to help engage them with learning, and understand their level of skills and knowledge. The IPC encourages collaboration and reflection not just between teachers and pupils, but amongst teachers within the school and worldwide. With the IPC the school is part of an international community of schools, teachers and learners with access to an online space for information sharing.
Why IPC you ask?